The lyrics begin:
"Will I lose my dignity?
Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow
From this nightmare?"
I keep feeling that every day since this nightmare that some people call a presidential election.
I keep hoping it will get better. I keep thinking it will get better. It does get better in spurts. And then I remember again:
DONALD TRUMP is going to be our president.
This is a man who said he would, well you know to women. Of women. And, yet, some women voted for him.
I have spent hours trying to figure out who these women are, trying to understand them, but still: I got nothing.
I mean I have a little something, but REALLY? America: really?
You chose him or her. THAT over this?
In my grief, a Linda Ronstadt song comes to mind.
I'm going to try to keep going: In the name of justice and peace and all that is right and good.
As Harriet Tubman said and then Hillary Clinton: "Keep going."
We will rise up and fight, fight, fight:

Listening to npr, some women didn't take what campaigning trump said seriously. I know there's a culture out there among men and women where nothing is ever taken seriously. It's like a game to see who is still publicly, emotionally attached to ideas. Someone can say women are on a lower level than men, and it has to be a joke. Taking it seriously is what's funny, because they want to say it. It can be a joke to which you don't respond. It's defiantly after a while, a boring joke. You are free to do anything you want to do that doesn't interfere with the rights of others. That's a lot. You *can* be president, you can ignore offensive comments, and you can vote every time there's an opportunity. And so many of us can still participate in democracy, because whichever way the election went, it still wouldn't be over. I'm sorry for your loss/our loss, but with this system built over time by so many Americans, all is not lost; democracy continues. Hillary Clinton can still work to make policy change, we can still vote for representatives who support enacting the ideas we want to see enacted, and we can choose to support only those ideas. Hillary Clinton can even still run for president, and I can still vote for her. And I'm defiantly going to laugh every time Donald Trump loses his power.