I see stories that say: We can't get over it. She lost. Women lost.
But I think they miss the point. Okay, so it is a lot about who eventually gets to be president.
But it's also about who won. And SHE won. For the first time in history, a woman won the popular vote. A WOMAN got the most votes.
Of course, I care about who becomes president.
But the inspiration of the campaign itself doesn't fade. I'm still inspired by the pantsuit flashmob, by the elderly ladies proudly wearing their pantsuits to vote, by the little girls who said: She can be president. Yes, I can be president.
Policy matters. Who gets to sit in the White House matters. To some extent.
But, to some extent, who emerges victorious isn't about who gets the White House. It's about who got the most votes. Because it's about who won the hearts and minds of the people, not who emerged victorious in the white man system that was invented before black men could vote, before women could vote.
Could Alexander Hamilton have predicted a black president? Would he have approved? If not, does it really matter?
History is about understanding the past, but not repeating it like a bunch of rote Civil War enactors.
When I think about this election, yes, I may never be able to drink Wendy's lemonade again because that's what I ordered on the night we got the awful baffling results, the night where Donald Trump gave his victory speech. Not what we were supposed to hear. WE thought SHE was ahead. WE thought HE didn't have a chance.
But she won the popular vote. And everywhere all around people are taking pictures with her that are going viral. Like this one below.
Meanwhile: According to rumor and published media reports, Trump can't find anyone who wants to play his inauguration.
And people are threatening to boycott his brand. There's even an app for it now.
I don't think that that was quite what Donald Trump had in mind when he thought of winning. Meanwhile, we're subjected to the sad tweets of a sad man who overuses the word sad and the exclamation mark and makes me wonder what it will take for someone to teach him to make the sentence great again or at least not nails on the chalkboard bad.
When we think about class, who do we think about? Do we think about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Donald Trump has embarrassed himself over and over again. The mockeries and scandals are too many to name, and I don't particularly want to relive the ugliness.
Maybe we're stuck with him. BUT HE DID not win. And his brand of hate and lies and misogyny and his blatant, pathetic appeal to fear will never win. It may seem to triumph in the short run, but, in, the long run #LoveTrumpsHate and Hope Trumps Fear, and we truly are stronger together. And, yes, I am #StillWithHer.
Now and always. Whoever occupies the White House, SHE WON.